So I have been on a blogging hiatus and this time it was for a good reason. I have been mucho busy! Jeff was in a wedding then I had my ten year class reunion followed by a girls trip to the lake, three days of no kiddos and to top it off a week long trip to the outer banks! Wow, i am a busy bee. i am soooo excited to finally have something to tell you all about but where to start?
The Wedding. It was beautiful and filled with great friends and fun, just as weddings should be. I had one slight catastrophe and with my wardrobe but all was fixed by the time the bells chimed and I looked OK. The trip was fast and filled with activities but we would not have missed our friends Micheal and Sally's big day.
The reunion- The reunion was a strange and somewhat expected event. There were two nights of planned events but due to the lake night with the girls I only attended one night. Plus how many times can you say, "I live in X and have X kids and work at X"? Anyway, I decided not to make Jeff (husband) go so I ended up going with a girl friend. The first fishy thing that happened was the location. By this I mean I got the info but had never heard of the place and when I started asking around no one else had either. All was well the place was just on the new side so away we went but to our dismay as we walked in the door the air conditioning was OUT! You saw right I said the air in this place was OUT and did I mention that the temp out side was 92 and 100 percent humidity? It was looking like we weren't going to stay long but then they showed us the way to the ice cold beer and we settled down. We went through the normal intros and hellos and then I started to feel bad because I didn't recognize some of the people but the evening went off and a good time was had by all. The one surprise was the new mayor of Vicksburg was there to give a speech and he later went out with us after to the bar. ( First class) As I mentioned we went out to a Friend of mines bar after and the fun and chaos ensued. Lots of old friends were there and I really enjoyed my self. The only downer was babysitting my girl friend who doesn't get out much and drank a lot ! Oh, well it made the night more interesting. (I love you Amanda)
On to the Lake with the girls!!!! Fun Fun and Funny.
I went to the lake with eight girls whom I haven't hung out with in over a year and it was great. I loved hearing about them being single and successful. I could not be more proud of my friends; they have all done so well for themselves. So, after we caught up ate and changed clothes we went looking for a party. We did not find one in fact we decided to become the party. We ended up going to this bar called the LO STO. At the Lo Sto where it was not very lively we decided to play flip cup. This is where the FUN and FUNNY come into play. We were so loud and had the best time playing this silly game that the locals asked to join in. Fun was had by all. But the next morning the fun was done and everyone packed up and went their separate ways. I was trilled to see my friends but sad to see them go. I hope it won't be that long before we get together again.
As a result of being home back to back for the wedding and reunion my mom offered to fly my kids to the beach with her. Who isn't going to take that deal? So, I ended up driving home alone, and having three days with Jeff alone before we had to meet everyone at the beach. It was great but very strange. I felt guilty for almost the whole time and I ended up being busier than I thought. The awesome part was I got to sleep late all three days. also we had an adult dinner with friends and went for ice cream. Very relaxing and we stayed out past bedtime. That is a novelty around here.
OK, I am exhausted so the beach trip will have to wait for another day. This is the most I have typed since my last college paper. Can't wait to tell you about OBX!