Hi, sorry I have been neglectful. I promise to do better. Today I am feeling some serious cabin fever. The boys and I have been indoors since Sunday after church and it is getting to us all. It has snowed the last two days and I thought we would venture outside today but then they both woke up with runny noses. Wonderful! Now what? We have painted and baked and done every puzzle three times. Any suggestions would be great. Also, a little up date on my running- well it is taking a serious pause. I am very down about it at the moment. The tread mill is broken and I don't think I can run in 14 degree weather. I sound weak but I REALLY want to go run. Maybe Thursday the treadmill will be back in commission and I can run while Ry is at school. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
P.S. I am going to post some more pics of the family too. Hope you enjoy them.
My uncle Steve (Whom we NEVER see) is coming to town in Feb and it has me thinking more and more about what family means. I love mine!
4 days ago
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