Friday, January 30, 2009

100 things about me

My friend on another blog has inspired me to let you know more about my self by filling out 100 things about me. However I think I will do 25 at a time so that you keep wanting more!

1. I LOVE MY FAMILY even the annoying members I love them all!

2. My children are the greatest thing in my life and I can't imagine not being a mother.

3. I live far away from the people I love the most and it constantly makes me sad.

4. My husband and I talk and are honest with each other to a fault and it makes me feel very proud and sometimes scared.

5. I have wonderful and supportive friends and I am not sure if I am a good of a friend in return.

6. My mother is my best friend.

7. My sister and I have a difficult relationship but her opinion matters to me the most.

8. I attend a moms group on Fridays and it is the highlight of my week every week. Those women are amazing and they bring me closer to God every week.

9. I went to college everywhere but i ended up at the Savannah College of Art and Design and it was the best thing and the hardest thing I have done for my self.

10. I have traveled a lot and want to go to a ton more places!

11. I am an aunt to 5 nephews and 5 nieces. Being an aunt is a special joy.

12. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it is special without all the stress of Christmas and fall is my favorite season.

13. Ole Miss football makes me giddy. Hotty Toddy!!

14. When I am at a game I could cry every time they play the school song and hear my father sing it.

15. I am not a animal person. They are cute but I can't do the poop!

16. My grandfather makes me want to try harder in everything i do. He is amazing.

17. I am training for a half marathon and I am nervous I won't finish.

18. I am short and I really don't mind it.

19. I am hoping I will get to have more children someday.

20. I want a girl but am worried I will fight with her or treat her differently than my boys-possibly resent her.

I lied 20 is all I have in me now. Sorry more to come!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Here are the circus pics and a couple more random ones. Ry had fun but got restless. Jeff and I just got broke!!! The circus is definitly an expensive night on the town. The babysitter turned out to be great so we had a good time.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Today I skipped church and am feeling a little low. We are all sick. Holden got his first tooth! Yeah, but it has put him in an ultra cranky mood and with the rest of us with colds the weekend has been no fun. So i am going to pass along a bible verse that I got at my moms group that I hope will help renew me and maybe speak to some of you.

Don' worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all that he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4: 6-7

I hope everyone has a great week.

P.S. The circus pictures are comimg.

Friday, January 23, 2009

OK, does this happen to anyone else? I finally found a babysitter! It took almost two years of living in Knoxville to ask a friend and trust someone who is not family to watch my child. So, all this works out and now I am busting my butt to clean the house for this sixteen year old girl. What am I doing? This is crazy; but it feels like the house has to be perfect for her to come over and do nothing. This girl probably could care less but I want to make a good impression so she will want to sit for us again. It is weird to have anxiety over a sixteen year old opinion. This girl doesn't really need the money considering she drives a better car than I do but what the hell. However bad I sound I am very grateful she is coming we are taking our oldest Ryan to the Barnum and Bailey Circus tonight. At the moment he is very into animals and since it is too cold for the zoo and we have been twice we decided this was a great plan. I think that really I am the one who is most excited because I have never been to the circus and well, Ryan is two and really is not sure what the circus is. When we get back I will post some pics of the family at the BIG TOP! By the way I have decided I earned the babysitter by cleaning the house so well and I should stop complaining and be glad that it is done. It really needed it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My niece Addison and Ry in a race!Ry's new tent form Nana and Pappy. We all love it.

My sis Amy and I after gift opening.

O and all the great grandchildren!


Hi, sorry I have been neglectful. I promise to do better. Today I am feeling some serious cabin fever. The boys and I have been indoors since Sunday after church and it is getting to us all. It has snowed the last two days and I thought we would venture outside today but then they both woke up with runny noses. Wonderful! Now what? We have painted and baked and done every puzzle three times. Any suggestions would be great. Also, a little up date on my running- well it is taking a serious pause. I am very down about it at the moment. The tread mill is broken and I don't think I can run in 14 degree weather. I sound weak but I REALLY want to go run. Maybe Thursday the treadmill will be back in commission and I can run while Ry is at school. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

P.S. I am going to post some more pics of the family too. Hope you enjoy them.
My uncle Steve (Whom we NEVER see) is coming to town in Feb and it has me thinking more and more about what family means. I love mine!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I just wanted ya'll to see some cute pics of the kids. These are from xmas and Thanksgiving. Kindda random but cute just the same.

Friday, January 16, 2009

It is so cold!!! Burrrrr. Today the high is 25 but right now it is 7 with a wind chill of -2! I am trying to get the kids ready to head out to my regular Friday Moms and More meeting at Cokesbury United Methodist Church but wow is it cold. They each are looking like snowmen. And I am questioning my decision. Let me ask y'all something. I am originally from Vicksburg, Ms and it is nothing but hot there so this has never been an issue, but in Knoxville they are closing schools and opening schools late today. I am confused. There is no ice or rain or snow. It is just crazy cold. What is the deal? If you know clue me in please.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

So, I am training for a half marathon at the end of march. This is my first time doing anything like this and I am very excited. Or at least I was excited. The training started off with a bang and now not so much. Example, I had to skip my scheduled run Monday because of a doctors appointment and today I go to the gym and the treadmill is what?-BROKEN! Great. So I try to make the best of the situation and get on the elliptical. Ten minutes in to that Holden starts to wail and the exercise has stopped. Way to go Ash! I am getting behind and now I am worried. I need new motivation. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


OK, here goes. I just only recently started to read blogs and now look at me. I am unsure how it works but I think I can figure it out. I wanted to share my family with ya'll and this is the best way to ask for advice and to keep in touch with everyone. So, HELLO bloggers! The Davidson's have arrived. It might take me a while to post picks of the kids because well, I stay at home with them and someone always needs something. Blogging will be hard while potty training Ryan (our two year old) and feeding Holden (our six month old), but I will prevail. Until then...