My friend on another blog has inspired me to let you know more about my self by filling out 100 things about me. However I think I will do 25 at a time so that you keep wanting more!
1. I LOVE MY FAMILY even the annoying members I love them all!
2. My children are the greatest thing in my life and I can't imagine not being a mother.
3. I live far away from the people I love the most and it constantly makes me sad.
4. My husband and I talk and are honest with each other to a fault and it makes me feel very proud and sometimes scared.
5. I have wonderful and supportive friends and I am not sure if I am a good of a friend in return.
6. My mother is my best friend.
7. My sister and I have a difficult relationship but her opinion matters to me the most.
8. I attend a moms group on Fridays and it is the highlight of my week every week. Those women are amazing and they bring me closer to God every week.
9. I went to college everywhere but i ended up at the Savannah College of Art and Design and it was the best thing and the hardest thing I have done for my self.
10. I have traveled a lot and want to go to a ton more places!
11. I am an aunt to 5 nephews and 5 nieces. Being an aunt is a special joy.
12. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it is special without all the stress of Christmas and fall is my favorite season.
13. Ole Miss football makes me giddy. Hotty Toddy!!
14. When I am at a game I could cry every time they play the school song and hear my father sing it.
15. I am not a animal person. They are cute but I can't do the poop!
16. My grandfather makes me want to try harder in everything i do. He is amazing.
17. I am training for a half marathon and I am nervous I won't finish.
18. I am short and I really don't mind it.
19. I am hoping I will get to have more children someday.
20. I want a girl but am worried I will fight with her or treat her differently than my boys-possibly resent her.
I lied 20 is all I have in me now. Sorry more to come!
4 days ago
You need a girl just like I need a boy. I have two daddy's girls and need me a mama's boy! Oh, wait, never mind, I'm married to one of those!