Wednesday, February 4, 2009

snow days

I was soooo excited when we moved from MS to TN. I was pumped that I would still be in the south but I would get to experience seasons! This is huge to me. But people are never happy when they get what they want, right. I wanted snow and I got it. I has snowed several times this year and almost every time I have been thrilled but somewhat dissappointed that it did not stick. Now it is stuck and it won't go away. Again, we are never pleased. It snowed so much Monday that I had to pick up my child early from school. This was also thrilling because it meant we could play in the snow! YEAH! But we are at day three and the excitement is over and the cabin fever is setting in. We have run out of fun activities and it is too cold now (16) to play outside. Go figure. The pics are cute. Ryan had a ton of fun in the snow. He knocked over my snowman but it was great fun. By the way the way the high on Saturday is 60. Why not?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

update and more fun facts

21. I love that my kids are growing up in a place that has sweet tea and snow days!

22. I have the best friends ever.

23. I am actually excited to go home in two weeks.

24. I need to become more versed in the grocery game so I can save some money.

25. I have always been a christian but in the last two years I feel closer to God than ever before.

26. I am constantly asking God for guidance and forgiveness.

27. I love the way my babies breath smells, it is actually sweet.

28. I cherish every school project Ryan brings home, I realize that after number 400 they will not quite be so special; but for now it is awesome.

29. Ryan loves the letter T. ttttttttttttttt And is helping me now!

30. I desperately want a new adventurous hair style but am too chicken. My hair is always the same.

31. I am mad because I am finally running and working out and I can't tell that by my waist line.

32. I am proud of my self for running 6 miles on Saturday. Its the farthest I have ever been.

33. I REALLY want to buy a house, ASAP!

34. The walls in my apartment are lined with junk! again we need a house.

35. I want a maid even though I don't work. Its not that I won't clean I just don't do a great job.