Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I was very sad this year because This is the first year I would not be spending Easter with my Family. I was with my boys but not with my mom and sister and grandmother. So, all in all I was not excited. Also the weather was irritating me too. I purchase my boys precious outfits and then it decides to be 50 degrees. The outfits were sleeveless and shorts. Great! Also I didn't want to cook a big meal for just Jeff and I so we ended up at Cracker Barrel. Oh, well all is well that ends well. It was not as bad as I thought. The sermon was great and the kids look fabulous. Ryan was not interested in taking pics but not having to do dishes was a great move as well. The afternoon ended with a family nap and there is nothing better. So, I hope that you Easter was good in spite of your expectations just as mine was.

House update

Basically there is no news. Things did not go as planned. Our bid was not rejected but countered and we hated the counter. So for a week we sat on the counter and considered our options. Them we bid again. This was no help they countered again and again we were not able to agree so two more days have elapsed. Now, Jeff made a new counter and we will see. I never expected things to be super smooth but we haven't even started the real stuff yet and already it is too much. I will let ya'll know what happens next. Please be praying for us.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Bidding on a house

Today was scary for Jeff and I because we bid on what we hope will be our first home. Yay, so exciting but also terrifying. This process is new to Jeff and he is nervous about the particulars and such. That is making being excited harder but I am sure in the end he will be ready to have a party. Please be praying for us as the process moves along and I know it will work out. updates to follow!

Marathon Runner

WOW, I did it!!!! I surprised myself and definitely Jeff by finishing a HALF MARATHON last Sunday! It was hard and long but I made it to the finish line on both feet. Goal Accomplished! I only started training on January 1st so the goal was not to have a supper fast time or even any time expectations the goal was to finish and finish I did. It took me three hours on the nose and I feel great. The finish line was on the UT 50 yard line and they called out your name and put your pic on the jumbo tron. It rocked. My awesome husband met me at the finish line with my beautiful boys and a bouquet of flowers. I felt like a million bucks even though I could barely walk for the two days following the race. No pain, no gain, right.

Get inspired set a goal go for it!