WOW, I did it!!!! I surprised myself and definitely Jeff by finishing a HALF MARATHON last Sunday! It was hard and long but I made it to the finish line on both feet. Goal Accomplished! I only started training on January 1st so the goal was not to have a supper fast time or even any time expectations the goal was to finish and finish I did. It took me three hours on the nose and I feel great. The finish line was on the UT 50 yard line and they called out your name and put your pic on the jumbo tron. It rocked. My awesome husband met me at the finish line with my beautiful boys and a bouquet of flowers. I felt like a million bucks even though I could barely walk for the two days following the race. No pain, no gain, right.
Get inspired set a goal go for it!
Get inspired set a goal go for it!
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